Top News Redesign

This project consisted on finding an existing magazine that needed a complete revamp and presenting a possible redesign of the chosen issue. In my case, I chose Top News, a corporate magazine from one of the companies I did my summer internships in, called Top Cable.

The reasons for why i chose this particular project was because I had the possibility to present the final result to the company when it was finished and see the redesign implemented in real life. However, for me to present the best final result possible I had to understand the purpose and the target group of the magazine, which implied getting in contact with the company itself and asking for further information about it.


The magazine

When starting to think about the project, I looked at other corporate magazines of different sectors so to get references and inspiration. I also analysed the issue that I was set to redesign in order to understand better the challenge at hand.

TopNews’ cover before redesign
TopNews’ cover after redesign
Rethinking the magazine’s image

I started the project by redesigning the identity of the magazine. I wanted to make it look more modern and cohesive with the Top Cable image all together. I rethought the logo of the magazine, came up with different ideas and ended up choosing the one that was a better fit for both the magazine and the company.

About Top Cable

Top Cable is a company that works in the industrial sector, more specifically, in the electric cable business. They are one of the most important manufacturers in the National [Spanish] and European market and have logistics and distribution centres around the globe. They take pride in the fact that they produce 100% of their product nationally. Currently with over 600 employees, and five production centres located around Barcelona makes them the biggest cable manufacturing company in Spain.

Top News target group

Given the fact that they are in an industrial sector, the target group to which this magazine is targeted is: males from 25-60 years old, with expertise on the electric cable market and that are interested in learning more about the company itself and the electric cable market. In regards to design, they tend to see it as less important as other factors and usually focus on the more informational side of a magazine.

This project helped me develop my skills with different apps from the Adobe Suite (Id, Ai & Ps) further and get a complete understanding of what it required to develop a full issue for a magazine.